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鹹水角 Deep-fried Meat Dumpling
材料 ingredients
梅頭肉 Pork
乾冬菇 Dried Mushroom
蝦米 Dried Shrimp
馬蹄 Water Chestnut
唐芹 Chinese Celery
紅蔥頭 Shallot
澄粉 Wheat Starch
糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour
生粉 Potato Starch
水 Water
油 Oil
調味 Flavor
生抽 Soy Sauce
胡椒粉 Ground Pepper Powder
五香粉 Five Spice Powder
鹽 Salt
糖 Sugar
紹興酒 Shaoxing Wine
蠔油 Oyster Sauce
麻油 Sesame Oil
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